How are the prints made?
Prints are produced using a variety of methods depending on which makes the most sense on the original artwork. The different methods greatly influence the cost and edition of the final products. Higher quality methods such as giclée printing render archival fine art prints, while risograph prints are non-archival quality but more affordable. The print method and edition details are listed in the information of each product.

How are products shipped?
All products are shipped in plastic sleeves rolled snuggly in a mailing tube. Extra precautions are taken for some types, such as archival prints which are wrapped in acid-free paper. Upon receipt prints should laid flat on a clean surface (preferably in their packaging) with weight on top to flatten them. Using an iron or similar techniques to flatten the prints is not recommended and may damage them.

Do you accept returns?
Full refunds are granted within 10 days of the purchase. Email us at to begin the return process. The buyer is responsible for the return shipping and any associated costs, including insurance. Refunds will only be issued for returned products which arrive back undamaged.

What do I do if my product arrives damaged?
Please retain your product and packaging as you received it and get in touch with us as soon as possible. We will ensure that your product is replaced.

How long does does delivery take?
We ship products by the end of the week in which they are ordered and will email you with a confirmation when your order has shipped. We are a small team and do the best we can to get orders to you as fast as possible, but if you need something rushed please contact to see what is possible.

Shipping estimates

  • Canada: 3-5 business days from postage date.
  • United States: 7-12 business days from postage date.
  • Europe: 10-20 business days from postage date.
  • Elsewhere: 20-30 business days from postage date.

Can we carry your products in our store?
Yes products are available at wholesale prices and quantities. Please get in touch at with information about your store to make arrangements.